Friday, September 7, 2007

WIKIS - Week 7 #'s 16 & 17

(#16) I found this to be very very interesting. The creative, innovative technology is way beyond my comprehension!! The further I get through this process the more confused I get. I enjoy technology but it is obvious I truly don't get it?????? DUH?

(#17) I added a post to the Sandbox Wiki (23 things you could do today). I also noticed that Ellen Ward had also visited the same one just minutes earlier. I entered my email address to make an entry. When it was posted my name appeared. I clicked on my name to "review" my comment (to make sure I did it correctly) and Outlook Express opened with my email address. Ooohhh...didn't like that! I will be glad when we change our webmail thus our address. I get enough "spam" as is. :-)

Okay, I went back on it this evening because I felt that I didn't do something correctly? I am still not sure what I am doing? I do have a peanutbutter and jelly wiki. YUM

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